Thursday, December 27, 2007
a new ending
Tonight, is a political stop at City Hall to discuss the new proposes drafted by Steve Fulop regarding the entertainment ordinance. I would have mentioned this earlier but I just found out about it myself. Save January 9th on your calender because this baby may be up for a final vote that day.
On Friday the 28th, there's a dance party at my friend Jayne's place. She lives at the Firehouse by Marco and Pepe. I am DJ-ing along with the Cat Juggler and special guests. Please be kind and be ready to give $5 at the door. There will be booze and food there !! The address is 38 Mercer Street. There's a big red garage door. party starts at 9 pm.
New Year's Eve American Watercolor Movement plays at Maxwell's. We are opening for Dean and Britta (ex-Luna). Show starts at 10 pm. we'll be on shortly after doors open since Dean and Britta play the before 2008.
58 will also have our annual New Year's Eve Celebration party. The Meltdowns, and the alabastards play with DJ's Lex, Spyker, Astronaut, DJ Soul and mEgan scheduled. It's gonna be a long night, better pack breakfast. doors 9pm, $10 suggested donation before 2am $5 after.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The final push
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Join the Masquerade

Tonight, Melissa Surach finally throws a candy cane to the poetry clubbers of JC. Maybe it's her heart growing 3 times, but special Guest St. Patrick will be there to wax her back. Afterwards, head over to the Lamp Post for my special guest DJ alternative for tonight.

On Wednesday, Greg D plays out in Brooklyn at Vox Pop, and the Division of Planes are at Maxwell's. Tree and John Shell are playing some drinking songs at 169 Bar at 11pm. And the nenwly formed The Poconos plays at the Delancy at 8 pm. Locally, Autumn will be hosting Trivia Night at Barrow Street Bar.
Thursday Greg D's Lunar Ensemble plays the Knitting Factory and Sophelia (AWM members) play at 169 bar on the early side at like 7 pm.
Hala is celebrating her 5th year with a masquerade ball. In the words of Elvis Costello " you better look sharp"
the full stories below
REMINDER:Holidays At The Loew's Jersey: Santa, Miracles & Mary Poppi
Posted by: "solan" solan
Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:52 pm (PST)
Friday and Saturday, December 14-15, the Landmark Loew's Jersey willget in the Holiday Spirit with two classic family films and a visitfrom Santa Claus himself!Friday, December 14 at 7:30PMMiracle on 34th StreetStarring Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O'Hara & Natalie Wood.(1947, B&W, 96 mins.)60th Anniversary Screening! Holiday-themed movies tend not to be takenseriously by critics, and often sink into a morass of excesssentimentality. The original "Miracle on 34th Street" broke thosemolds. And while the script can be called heart-warming, it refuses tobecome mushy. The movie can be enjoyed on its most basic level, as astory about a kindly man working as a department store Santa who,because he believes he really is Santa Claus, must defend his sanity.But the sharp script also deftly mixes sly comedy and pointedcommentary with its tender drama, to make one of the most successfulfilm commentaries about the over-commercialization of the Holidays aswell as a thoughtful rumination on the nature of faith itself. Inaddition to its clever premise, the film boasts smart characters,great acting, tight pacing, and one of the most memorable - andparodied - climaxes in film history. Don't miss this chance to see iton "the big screen."PLUS - There will be a short Holiday "Sing-Along" concert before thefilm, led by the Loew's massive pipe organ, which is now beingfine-tuned after years of restoration!
Saturday, December 15 from 12:30PM to 3:30PMVisit Santa Here! This is not a classic film - but a classic Holidayritual.Free.For the thirteenth consecutive year, The Jolly Old Elf will be on handat the Landmark Loew's Jersey to greet visitors and listen to theirHoliday wishes. Everyone is welcome - including PETS! (Pet owners areasked to come between 2:20PM and 3:30PM.) The visit with Santa isFREE. A digital photo with Santa costs just $3, but bring a new,unwrapped toy for a needy child and the photo will be free as our"Thank You."PLUS - Every child that comes to see Santa will receive a coupon for$1 off the cost of a child's admission to that evening's screening of"Mary Poppins"!Saturday, December 15 at 6PMMary PoppinsStarring Julie Andrews & Dick Van Dyke(1964, Color, 140mins.)The first Disney film ever to be nominated for Best Picture, MaryPoppins collected a total of 13 Oscar nominations - more than anyother musical - and collected five statues, including Best Actress forJulie Andrews. Andrews is perfect in the title role of a mysticalnanny who literally falls from the sky and into the lives of twolonely children in Edwardian London. Soon, she is taking them onadventures in a cartoon world and riding a puff of smoke over thecity's rooftops. Director Stevens mixes a few bits of darkness intohis musical comedy, with one song that is surprisingly melancholy andthe brooding, surreal scenes of stylized London rooftops. Of course,much of the film is filled with playful goofiness. The effect of thiscontrast is to make the magic at the core of the story seem morebelievable - and that is one of the secrets of Mary Poppins' timelesspopularity. The classic from Disney is loved by every new generation.This Holiday Season, re-live your memories and create new ones withyour children.Each screening is $6 for adults, $4 for seniors & children 12 yearsold and younger. Combo discounts are available for multiple screenings.Call (201) 798-6055 or visit for more info.
Hello favorite friends,You are cordially invited to attend a Masquerade Ball in celebration of HALA VINTAGE's 5th year.The debauchery begins at 9:00pm on Saturday, December 15th at HALA VINTAGE of course.Dress to impress. Use your imagination please. There will be a prize for the BEST mask!love,HalaHALA VINTAGE326 5th StreetJersey CityNew Jersey07302201 653 8877
Saturday December 15 - galapagos
from The Deli:
I know Christmas parties aren't very Rock and Roll, but here at The Deli we have a very good reason to throw one: to actually see each other's face! This crazy modern world is so impersonal that, believe it or not, most of the peeps who contribute to our magazine have never met each other!
You might think: "where do I come into the picture then?". Well you come into the picture now, because we haven't met 90% of our readers either, you impresonal sons of The Big Apple!
The party in question will be at Galapagos on Saturday December 15.
Doors will be $6 (if you sign the Deli's mailing list, otherwise $8).
We have a very cool line up with 5 emerging NYC bands (of course!) we really dig. It goes something like this:
8.45 - Weird Owl - (Weird) Owls are not what they seem. This band's music is the perfect soundtrack for one of those Lynchian doped up parties - Galapagos even has red curtains!
9.30 - Susu - "Susu salvages choice scraps from the post-grunge sound, using urgent guitars and call-and-response vocals to create a thick, humid atmosphere." - Time Out, New York
10.15 - Seasick - the band - fronted by Persian/Latvian Jasmine Golestaneh - manages quite incredibly to strike that magic balance between dark intensity, creativity, sensuality and powerful songwriting that made Jim Morrison and co.'s music so strangely addictive. - The Deli 11.00 - Ravens and Chimes - "The New York-based quintet sounds like a more confident Bright Eyes or maybe a folksier version of Wolf Parade (minus their anthemic song structure leanings). They're pretty darn cool and they're hitting the spot right about now." - Nik Mercer / BibaBidi
11.45 Lismore - Lismore sounds like Matt & Kim’s cousins from the wrong side of the tracks. A little grimier, a little less pop-y and a little more of an edge. - Bigstereo